Receita de Torta Shoofly – Guia Passo a Passo

Receita de Torta Shoofly – Guia Passo a Passo :- The Torta Shoofly is a traditional dessert that is popular among the Amish community. It is renowned for its sweet flavour and distinctiveness in texture. This dessert is made up of a crocante crust and a melaco crust, which work together to provide the ideal contrast between the crocante crust and the cremosity of the crust. We are going to go step by step in order to prepare this delicacy.


Receita de Torta Shoofly – Guia Passo a Passo

Torta Shoofly is a traditional dessert that is popular among the Amish community. It is well-known for its sweet flavour and unusual texture. The contrast between the chocolate crust and the strawberry filling that is used in this cake is absolutely beautiful. The cake is made up of both of these components. For the purpose of preparing this dessert, we shall proceed step by step.


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Para a Crosta:

  • 1 1/4 xícara de farinha de trigo
  • 1/2 colher de chá de sal
  • 1/2 xícara de manteiga gelada, cortada em cubos
  • 3-4 colheres de sopa de água gelada

Para o Recheio:

  • 1 xícara de melaço
  • 3/4 xícara de água quente
  • 1/2 colher de chá de bicarbonato de sódio
  • 1 ovo grande
  • 1 xícara de farinha de trigo
  • 1/2 xícara de açúcar mascavo
  • 1/4 xícara de manteiga



As part of the preparation of the Crosta, combine the farinha of trigo and the salt in a large blender. The gelled manteiga should be added, and then, using a massa cortador or your hands, the manteiga should be worked into the farinha until the mixture resembles a mixture of small and large ingredients.

The gelato is added, along with a spoonful of soup at a time, and the mixture is stirred with a garfo until the mass finally begins to come together. Establishes a disco with the mass, incorporates a plastic sheet, and brings the gelato to the gelato maker for at least thirty minutes.


2. In order to prepare the Recheio, place the melaço and the hot water in a measuring cup and mix them together until they are thoroughly combined. The bicarbonate of sodium and mexican should be added. As you prepare the mixture, allow the mixture to rest for a few minutes as you prepare the mixture.

A farinha de trigo and a mascavo açúcar should be mixed together while in another tigela. The manteiga is added to the mixture of farinha and açúcar, and then, using the dedos or a massacortador, the mixture is mixed until it reaches the point when it forms large migalhas.


3. To prepare the torta, preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Retire the massa of the geladeira and, using a superfície that is just slightly enfarinhada, abra the massa till it possesses a diameter that is sufficient to cover a form of torta that is 23 centimetres in diameter.

Move the mass in the direction of the torturous shape, and apply gentle pressure to the fundus and the laterais of the body. Take note to the excessive amount of mass on the borders. To make a tigela, beat the egg and add it to the mixture of melato. Mexa till it finds itself in a combined state.Make sure to pour the mixture of melaco into the prepared crosta.


4. Assando a Torta: Place the torta in a preheated oven and bake it for forty-five to fifty minutes, or until the crust is hard and the centre retains its shape. If the crosta begins to degrade at a quick pace, it is advisable to cover the edges with aluminium paper in order to prevent the crosta from quenching.


Nutrition Tips:

Because of the use of high-quality melaco in the torta, the final product will have a flavour that is considerably different from what it would have been if it had not been used. This is because the melaco will result in a more complex flavour. Incorporating particular components into the mixture allows for the creation of a variant of the migalhas that can be made. You have the ability to carry out this activity. The elements that are included in this category are canela and noz-moscada, to name just two examples.

The Shoofly Torta is traditionally served at room temperature; however, it can also be savoured at a slightly higher temperature, accompanied by either a baunilha or chantilly bola, according on the preference of the individual. This torta is provided during the serving of a Shoofly Torta.


Indulge in this authentic Torta Shoofly, a true recipe from the Amish culinary tradition, which will unquestionably captivate all those individuals who have a deep love for sweets due to its opulent flavour and alluring texture!

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