Grilled Sausage with Potatoes and Green Beans

Grilled Sausage with Potatoes and Green Beans :- A filling and aromatic dish, grilled sausage with potatoes and green beans strikes a balance between the savory sausages, the crispness of the green beans, and the satiating starchiness of the potatoes. This meal is a hit at summer barbecues and family dinners since it’s simple to make and always tastes great. Here’s a comprehensive recipe for creating this delectable dish.


Grilled Sausage with Potatoes and Green Beans

A tasty and filling dish that combines the savory sausages with the crispness of green beans and the pleasant starchiness of potatoes is grilled sausage with potatoes and green beans. This is a great dish for a family supper or summer BBQ because it’s so easy to make and always tastes great. This is a complete recipe for making this delicious dish.


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  • 4 sausages: Choose your favorite type of sausage. Italian, bratwurst, or even chicken sausages work well.
  • 1 pound of baby potatoes: Red or yellow baby potatoes are ideal due to their creamy texture.
  • 1 pound of fresh green beans: Trimmed and washed.
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil: For roasting and grilling.
  • 2 cloves of garlic: Minced.
  • 1 teaspoon of dried rosemary: Fresh rosemary can also be used for a more aromatic flavor.
  • Salt and pepper: To taste.
  • 1 lemon: For zest and juice.
  • Optional garnish: Fresh parsley, grated Parmesan cheese.



First, preheat your grill. Maintain a medium-high heat setting on your grill. When using a charcoal grill, make sure the coals are hot and covered with gray ash that has been accumulated.

Put the potatoes in the oven: Baby potatoes should be washed and cut in half. A tablespoon of olive oil, minced garlic, rosemary, salt, and pepper should be added to them, and then they should be tossed in a big basin.


First, get the green beans ready: To prepare the green beans, place them in a separate bowl and add one tablespoon of olive oil, along with salt and pepper. Potatoes should be roasted: A single layer of the potatoes that have been seasoned should be spread out on a baking pan.

Roast them in the oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius) for twenty to twenty-five minutes, or until they are golden brown and soft. Alternatively, if you want a more smoky flavor, you may cook them in a grill basket straight on the grill.


Grill the sausages: After the grill has been prepared, place the sausages on the grill. To ensure that they are browned and cooked all the way through, cook them for around ten to twelve minutes, flipping them occasionally. In most sausages, the interior temperature should reach 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71 degrees Celsius).

To prevent the green beans from falling through the grill grates, you can grill them by using a grill basket or by covering them with foil. Green beans should be grilled for around five to seven minutes, flipping them occasionally, until they are soft and have a faint charred appearance.


Nutrition Tips:

In order to get the potatoes ready for roasting or grilling, you should first parboil them for five minutes. This will make it possible to cook the potatoes in an even less amount of time. In this way, you can rest assured that they will have a crisp outside while maintaining a sensitive interior.

During the cooking process, it is important to use a meat thermometer to determine whether or not the sausages have reached the necessary level of doneness. Consequently, the dish will not be overcooked or undercooked as a result of this.


A tasting test should be performed, and any necessary modifications to the seasoning should be made before serving. There is a possibility that the flavor could be enhanced by including a small amount of additional salt, pepper, or perhaps a pinch of crushed red pepper flakes.

When you want to add some diversity to your food, feel free to include some other vegetables such as bell peppers, onions, or cherry tomatoes. This will allow you to add some more color and nutrition to your dish.

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